Öğretmen haberleri ve gelişmelerden hemen haberdar olmak için Telegram kanalımıza katılın!

1-) He wasn’t strong …………………….to lift that heavy box.


2-) She was ……………………  young to watch the movie.

İngilizceyi Konuşarak Öğren


3-) Look at this family photo! They are smiling__________

a) happily               

b) angrily              

c) curiously             

d) exhaustedly 

4-) People _______travel by planes in old times.

a) didn’t used to             

b) didn’t use to 

c) used to                       

d) did use to

5-) People __________________drive fast in the city center.

a) should   

b) must   

c) shouldn’t    

d) can

6-) They _______İstanbul in 2004. They ________in İstanbul for nine years.

a) moved / have lived        

b) have moved / have moved

c) moved / lived                 

d) have moved / lived

7-) In recent years, computer programmers ………………. To make it easy for people to use computer systems.

have tried
were trying
had tried
? Whenever a war …………out, innocent people …….. as refugees to escape to other countries.

broke / will be forced
has broken / were forced
breaks / are forced
will break / have been forced

9-) Which one is wrong?

good-better-the best      
old-older-the oldest
bad-worse-the worse     
fast-faster-the fastest

10-) A:I’m too tired.

B: You should …………….

run fast
buy a dress
have a rest              

11-) If I ……………..stronger, I’d help you carry the piano.

had been

12-) If you drop the vase, ……………..it.

you will break
you would break
you would have broken
you will have broken
13-) If she ………………… me her number, I would have telephoned her.

had given

14-) Tom said ‘This calculator belongs to me’.

Tom said that this calculator belons to him.
Tom said that that calculator belonged to him.
Tom said that he owns this calculator.
Tom said that calculator belonged to her grandfather.
15-) ‘I’ll call you tomorrow,’ Joe said.

Joe said that he would call me the following day.
Joe said I will call him next day.
Joe said he would call me tomorrow.
Joe said he doesn’t want to call me.

16-) She ………………. her keys. She can’t find them.

have lost
has lost

17-)  I  ………………  ……………………  finished my homework. Now I    ….…………. Watch TV.

have / never / can
have / just / can
haven’t / just / could
have / ever / could

18-) He has never seen his mother …………………  he was born.


Cevap Anahtarı

  1. b
  2. c
  3. a
  4. b
  5. c
  6. a
  7. b
  8. c
  9. c
  10. d
  11. a
  12. a
  13. c
  14. b
  15. a
  16. d
  17. b
  18. a


A) Put the words into the correct order to make sentences or questions.(20Pts)

1) my relatives / I / visit / going to / this / am / morning / . /

………………………………………………………… .

2) are / a lot of / in / there / our garden / flowers / . /

………………………………………………………… .

3) gets / in the exams / usually / marks / he / high / ./

………………………………………………………… .

4) will / clean / you / room / when / your / ? /

………………………………………………………… ?

5) handsome / than Terry / Jake / more / is / . /

………………………………………………………… .

B) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of ‘BE ABLE TO. (20 pts)

1)      I…………………………speak English now

2)       I…………………………speak English last year

3)      I  ………………………  speak English next year

4)      She …………………..swim now.

5)      She ………………….swim next summer.

C)Use Simple Present or Present Continuous Tense.(20pts)

1.Normally I start work at eigth o’clock, but I ………………………….. (start) at seven this week.

2.A lot of people think that the Sun ………………………….. (go) around the world .

3.Maria can’t answer the phone. She ………………………….. (have) a shower now.

4.Dave ………………………….. (drive) from Birmingham to London three times a week.

5.He ………………………….. (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month.

D) Choose the correct one. (20 pts)

1) Let’s ……………………………… something cold!

a) drink        b) drinks     c) drinking

2) Shall ……………………………… go to the restaurant for the dinner?

a) me           b) he           c) we

3) : Their marks are very low this year.

B: They ………………………. study harder.

a)have          b)has to     c)should

4-) While they ………. their lunch,an earthquake happened

a)had     b)were having   c)was having

5-He is very fat. He ……………………….. eat so much.

a)should      b)has to      c)shouln’t

E) Make sentences about what people “used to” or “didn’t use to “do before(20 pts)

1-People……………. (believe) that the world is flat.

2-Vegetables in the markets………………… ( be )unnatural.

3-Everywhere ………….  (smell )wonderful . There was no pollution.

4-People …………… (be) more generous.

5-People ………….. (play) computer games.


GRAMMAR (20x2=40 p)


A) Complete the sentences with “past simple or past continuous”

1. A: What (you, do) ________________ when the accident__________ (happen)?

B: I (try) _________________ to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

2. When I (walk) ______________ into the busy office, the secretary (talk) ____________ on the phone with a customer, several clerks (work, busily) _______________ at their desks.

3. The Titanic (cross) ________________ the Atlantic when it (strike) _________________ an iceberg.

4. While I (watch) ________________ a mystery movie on TV, the electricity _______(go) out.


B) Complete the sentences with “zero or first conditionals (if)”

5. If you _________ (boil) some water, it _______________ (evaporate).

6. If I __________ (study) a lot, I ____________ (pass) the exams

7. Don’t wait for me if I ________ (be) late to diner

8. The lamp ________ ( light) if you ________ ( pres) the button


C) Complete the sentences with “possessives”

9. He's _____________________ (our/ours) doctor

10. Isn't _____________________ (their/theirs) son older than you?

11. Your car is green, while _____________________ (my/mine) is black

12. I don't know __________ (them/their) very well

13. Robert didn't drink his own coffee. He drank _________ (her/hers)


D) Complete the following questions with “who what where when how why” (one is extra)

14. ____________ do you come to school? I ride my bicycle

15. ____________ color is the new bus? Red.

16. ____________ is the captain? She is at the gym

17. ____________ do banks open? - At eight O'clock

18. ____________ are you wearing that coat? - Because it's hot!


Make one sentence from two by using “too or enough”

e.g.: We couldn't eat the food. It was too hot. The food was too hot to eat.

1. I can't drink this coffee. It's too hot. This coffee is ______________

2. I don't wear this coat in winter. It isn't warm enough. This coat is ______________


SPEAKING (4x2=8 p)


Complete the dialogue with the expressions given.

*I want to see the manager *What exactly is the problem *I demand another room *can I help you

Receptionist: Good morning, ____________________ ?

Complainer : I'd like to make a complaint about the room I’m staying now.

Receptionist : I'm sorry to hear that. ___________________ ?

Complainer : First of all the air conditioner isn’t working properly and it‘s too hot inside. Then, the (bilgi yelpazesi. com) people in the room above sound like they are having all-night parties, every night! So, I can’t have enough sleep.

Receptionist : Oh, I see.

Complainer : _____________________ or my money back!.

Receptionist : I do apologize but I’m afraid all the rooms are full. I'd like to offer you a 20% discount on the price as a gesture of goodwill.

Complainer : A 20% discount, you must be joking! _______________________ !


READING (4x3=12 p)



The Beatles were a rock and pop band from Liverpool, England. Formed in 1960, the group primarily consisted of John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals), George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals). The group worked with different musical genres, ranging from rock and roll to psychedelic rock. Their clothes, style and statements made them the most important trendsetters in 1960s. After the band broke up in 1970, all four members started their successful solo careers. The Beatles released more than 40 different singles, albums, and EPs selling over one billion records internationally. Theirs was the greatest commercial success in the history of popular music. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine ranked the Beatles number one on its list of 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. Their influence on pop culture is still evident today.

Decide the statements TRUE or FALSE

1. Their clothes, style and statements were the most important things ________

2. They started the band in 1970 ________

3. The group were famous only in Liverpool, England ________

4. In 2004, they were selected as number one by a magazine ________


VOCABULARY (6x2=12 p)


Complete Ataturk’s Principles with their Turkish meanings

1. Republicanism :

2. Secularism :

3. Populism :

4. Reformism :

5. Nationalism :

6. Statism :


WRITING (10 p )

Choose one topic and write at least 50 words

=> Which one do you like more: summer or winter? Why?

=> Problems between parents and their children

Anahtar Kelimeler:
İNGİLİZCE DERSİ 12. SINIF 2. DÖNEM 1. YAZILI SORULARI12. SINIF İNGİLİZCE DERSİ 2. DÖNEM 1. YAZILI SORULARI12. SINIF İNGİLİZCE 2. DÖNEM 1. YAZILI SORULARI12. SINIF İNGİLİZCE 2. DÖNEM 1. YAZILI SORULARI VE CEVAPLARIİNGİLİZCE 2. DÖNEM 1. YAZILI SORULARI VE CEVAPLARI2. DÖNEM 1. YAZILI SORULARI VE CEVAPLARI12. SINIF İNGİLİZCE12. SINIF İNGİLİZCE 2. DÖNEM 1. YAZILIYAZILI SORULARI VE CEVAPLARIİNGİLİZCE 12. SINIF YAZILI SORULARI VE CEVAPLARI12.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Yazılı Soruları 2020-202112.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Yazılı Soruları2020-2021İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Yazılı Soruları 2020-202112.Sınıf İngilizce12. Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Yazılı Soruları12.Sınıf İngilizce 2.Dönem 1.Yazılı Soruları Ve Cevapları12.sınıf Ingilizce Test Pdf2019 2020 12. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 1. YazılıAçık Lise İngilizce 12. Sınıf Sınav Soruları12. Sınıf Ingilizce Soruları12.sınıf Ingilizce 1.dönem 1.yazılı Soruları12. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 1. Yazılı TEST12. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 1. Yazılı Soruları 2020-202112.Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 1. Yazılı Soruları 2020-202112.Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 1. Yazılı Soruları12.SINIF İNGİLİZCE 2.DÖNEM 1.YAZILI12.Sınıf İngilizce Dersi 2.dönem 1.yazılı Sınav Soruları12.Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 1. Yazılı12. Sınıf İngilizce 1 Dönem 1 Yazılı Soruları Egitimhane.12. Sınıf Dil SINIFI 2. Dönem İngilizce Yazılı Soruları2020 2021 12. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Dönem 1. YazılıLise İngilizce 12. Sınıf Sınav Soruları


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